Tuesday, April 7, 2009

DWIV - all the way

semalam aku telah men-submit thread dwIV aku kat dominancewar.com and later that night dapat email pasal penyertaan aku and thumbnail aku has been accepted. which means.. penyertaan aku dalam dominance war IV tahun ni dah disahkan la.

aku ade la email cikgu 3d aku dulu tu pasal involvement aku dlm dwIV kan.. and dia dah tengok la and comment and sebagainye lah. lantas dia cakap.. 'I expect you to go all the way and finish the model'. haram sungguh.. thats one way to pressure me to do this thing whilst my priority is to get a job. a proper job >_<

pfft.. runsing sudah. tapi as long as ada time ni aku nak siapkan la war machine ni. in some ways kan.. it is an honour to get that from former cikgu kan. pretty cool really

neway.. linkye kat sini :D


  1. gua ucap selamat maju jaya ya... hehe

  2. thanks bro. akan ku berusaha bersungguh2!!!!!!!1111!11>_<


Demoreel - May 2011