Sunday, April 4, 2010

tentang 25 Hour Day

oh what n00b i am. i actually just realized that today is the end of daylight saving in SA. it is quite funny when you think it's 6.00pm but actually it is 5.00pm because we haven't turn back our clocks and watches 1 hour back.

omg this is starting to confuse me. this few years back, i'd watch the evening news and things like this wouldn't have been missed. but these few days, there were a few farewell gatherings for our dear friends who are going back to Taiwan. not for a short holiday, but our friends have completed their studies and went back to their home country yesterday. Taiwan is a long way from Australia.

not knowing when we will meet our friends again is a funny feeling. not that we don't care, but we know that we can always know what everyone is doing anyway via ,of course, facebook. so farewells seems a little unnecessary nowadays.

but yeah.. saying hello to a friend on facebook is definately different from a wave of the hand and a nod of the head in front of them.

so today we live our lives here, in australia, in taiwan, in KL.. wherever. but while people in malaysia still have 24 hours today, we in SA have 25 hours. HA!

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Demoreel - May 2011