Friday, March 13, 2009

tentang home baru fesbuk

ok aku nak tulis home tu as rumah tapi 'rumah baru fesbuk' doesnt sound quite right somehow. 'home' tu kalau translate jadik bm ape aa?

neway.. found out fesbuk nak tukar (lagi) layout dia. adei ape lagi la dia nak buat. simple2 takleh ke? macam yg dulu tu. the new one is supposedly a better layout. lebih teratur n makes u feel more aware of whats happening in ur friends life. we'll see la kot.

and there's this thing called the publisher ke ape tah. truth is i didn't really read the stuff kat announcement tu. tapi publisher ni membolehkan kite lebih customizekan lagi posts yg appear kat page kite n kawan2 kite..kot (i didnt really read). no more those text based (yg simple dah pretty btw)

abih la nubs letak glitter2 n animated2 n text warna2 pelangi yg memeningkan


  1. it's make me dizzy
    cm serabut ade la facebook yg bru neh

  2. tu la. i prefer yg dulu2 masa text dgn icon je. simple je tu. sekarang ni dah banyak sangat la gambar2 seme.


Demoreel - May 2011