Monday, March 30, 2009

tentang wikipedia addiction dan anti-earth hour

probably ramai yg ade addiction ni. kalau curious.. and tak tau benda2 yg kite dengar n segan nak tanye orang ape bende tu.or simply taknak nyusahkan orang utk explain benda2 yg mungkin kompleks tu.. search kat google tu ok.. tapi nak result yg mungkin lebih detail search kat wiki. then bile dah start baca tu biasenye terjumpe perkara yg lebih interesting.. lompat plak kat topik lain.. dan seterusnye. last2 baru sedar u spent hours membaca banyak topik and u cant seem to remember anything that u read. yeah

tapi awas.. not everything on the internet is true.

so harini aku terbaca satu blog pasal anti-earth hour dan connection nye ngan freemasonry through al gore ble bla bla. okay.. everyone is entitled to their opinions.

kite semua kan suke conspiracy theories :D.

curious as always aku baca la lebih detail lagi pasal freemasonry kat (where else) wikipedia. banyak benda menarik tapi the thing that really interest me is this sentance :
Many countries with a significant Muslim population do not allow Masonic establishments within their jurisdictions. However, countries such as Turkey, Morocco and Egypt have established Grand Lodges, while in countries such as Malaysia and Lebanon there are District Grand Lodges operating under a warrant from an established Grand Lodge.

really..? aku ikut la link2 sekalian and found addresses and bunch of names. nak cari tak susah. tapi thats as far as i go. aku sekadar tertarik dengan cerita2 berkait conspiracy theories.. and let them remain as cerita.

note: aku rase, ni bleh dijadikkan basis cerite yg menarik bukan? anyone reading feel free lah untuk curik idea ni.

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