Thursday, March 12, 2009

tentang keje, bekerje n carik keje

kecik2 dulu cite2 aku nak jadik askar. mase tu berimaginasi lebih berfikir kurang. terpengaruh ngan gaban n ksatria baja hitam n GI joe n thundercats kot. then nak jadik perdana menteri (HAH!!). pastu nak jadik doktor lak.. sebab kekurangan doktor dlm dunia ni. right.

tapi fact is i am not at all interested in those positions. maybe deep down what i really wanna be then is optimus prime or duke or lion-O (tapi definately not gaban). dari kecik sampai besar aku suka tengok katun.. so sekarang i have degee in animation and an australian cert in more animation

sblom aku grad lagi dah cuba2 bekerja (not that im good tapi because i had to go into overtime.. a long time at uni). freelance sana sini jumpe macam2 jenis orang. then in 2006 i got this job at a small new studio working with my coursemates from uni on an animation project that is now famous for their cheeky twins. tapi just after a short while working there, i needed to choose between life or career. i just had to say goodbye to them. i did more freelance before leaving for australia.

tadi i just sent out my resume to this games company. it's a big company.. huge may be sound more suitable. cant wait to start working in the industry again lah >_<. i pray that i will get this job. bukan sebab nak balik kampung bukan sebab nak lari.. tapi it's time to keje balik kot.

dari kecik sampai besar sebenarnye aku suke berimaginasi kot. sekarang pun berimaginasi lebih tapi berpikir pun lebih. thats why i love doing this animation.. n 3d.. and kartun.. and games. it suits me well

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Demoreel - May 2011